Year End Tax Tips from Our Tax Service Partners

Johnson Consulting does not provide tax advice, but relies solely on the experience and expertise of Tax Services As the year end approaches, now is the time to start planning for your 2009 income taxes. Conventional tax planning calls for deferring income into 2010...

Tyson McLane says:

Most every family owned funeral home reaches a point in time when the owner generation needs a sound business plan to transfer the ownership to the next generation. That was our situation this year with our funeral homes and cemetery. We called Tom Johnson who has...

Kelvin J. Pennington says:

Jake, I am just getting back home from our Annual Managers Meeting and I just wanted to say that Todd Van Beck’s presentations were outstanding. It would take me too long in this email to fully describe how outstanding his presentations were. I am overly impressed...

Richard D. Geib II says:

Dale: I wanted to thank you once again for the recent work performed for our family. The business valuation assured me that things were fair, and in good order for all concerned, as I transfer the operating company to the fifth generation of the Geib family. My good...

Survey Results Summer 2009

Please select which of the following applies to you: Funeral Home Owner Funeral Home Manager Funeral Home Employee 61 18 7 71% 21% 8% 2. Has the death rate in your market area…. Increased Decreased About the same 14 26 46 16% 30% 53% 3. Do you see the current...