Jim Bradshaw, says…

Tom, Jake, Brandi, 
Special thanks for making possible a most enjoyable and fruitful seminar. For me, I met a great bunch of people, learned a lot, rested a bit, ate a lot, and came away with much to think about. Thank you for fine hospitality! 

Jon Reichmuth, says…

Thank you again for inviting me to the summit.  I learned a lot and felt challenged by many of the topics. I have a lot of work to do when I get home.  Thanks for everything. Jon Reichmuth

 Joe Fitzgerald, says …

Hey Jake, Just wanted send you a quick thank you for the summit. It was very informative and well run. I thought your session was great as well as the others. Joe Fitzgerald

Budgeting as a Facet of Strategic Planning

Businesses are not static but evolve over time and this evolution may lead to growth but may also cause the business to decline. A business life cycle is usually portrayed as a bell shaped curve where the stages follow one another in an orderly fashion, which is...

Dealing with Price Shoppers Results

In the last Johnson Consulting Group newsletter, we asked our readers to give us their thoughts on phone shoppers.  Below were the responses we received.  I enjoy sharing this data in the hopes that it will provide you some insights on your current training of phone...