The Best Team, The Best Results – The Best Price!

Make your last business decision your best one, and partner with funeral experts who will put your future first. Retiring well is not only a product of achieving top dollar, but also what your life is like after the transaction. Minimize your taxes, ensure a stable financial retirement, and a successful future for your staff.

Contact us today and get started!

We Care About Where Your Business Has Been, And Where It’s Going

Our goal is to set you up for success in the next phase of your life and reward you for all you’ve done for your community and staff. Through the JCG process, our clients experience 10-20% or more in business value.

connect funeral sellers and buyers meeting

Selling with JCG Means:

  • A partner to handle every step of the process
  • Maximizing your firm’s true value through customized and confidential marketing packages
  • Personalized succession planning for life after the deal
  • Careful attention for the success of your staff
  • Minimizing your tax exposure
  • Creating the right structure for your retirement goals

Our Office Locations

We are here for you wherever you are.

Blue map of USA with orange pins of JCG's office locations

Make Your Final Decision Your Best One